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A fully integrated developer and manufacturer of polyclonal therapeutics, targeting infectious disease and acute toxic events

Product Pipeline


OraCAb is an orally administered immunotherapeutic product containing ovine polyclonal antibodies directed against recombinant fragments of Toxin A and Toxin B for the treatment of mild to moderate severity primary and recurrent Clostridium difficile infections (“CDI”). 

Funded by Wellcome.



Fav-Afrique, an equine F(ab’)2-based antivenom, is a polyspecific product that covered the envenoming by 10 species of the most medically important, Category 1 snakes in Africa.  These all belong to the Viperidae and Elapidae and to two genera within each family, namely Echis and Bitis (Viperidae) and Naja and Dendroaspis (Elapidae).  In the period 1993 to 2014 it is estimated that 250,000 patients received Fav-Afrique (based on unit sales) which achieved an enviable reputation as one of the most effective antivenoms available for the treatment of all Category 1 African snakes. 

MicroPharm is developing a new manufacturing process for the product with the aim of re-establishing supplies in early 2025.

Funded by Wellcome.